Scandinavian and Baltic Art Academies take a panoramic sweep of landscape, cities, society and culture in Bergen, Reykjavik, Vilnius and Stockholm
Nordic Panoramic Interchange addresses questions of the cultural and political history, the common as well as the divisive nature of the “nordic landscape”. Essentially it will focus on landscape and what a contemporary understanding of a panorama might be or become. Four specific countries have been chosen for their obvious topographical, ethnographical, historical and architectural differences. For example, Norway, Iceland, Vilnius and Sweden all have unique landscapes, mountains and fjords, volcanic terrain, forests and lakes then flat agricultural planes. This is the starting point offering dramatic ranges of distinction. However the aim of the project is not to deal exclusively with the obvious. The notion of landscape can be stretched to the most extreme lengths, including notions as widely apart as a media, political, financial or ecological landscapes. Looking outside of the “traditional” representation of landscape we talk of and experience the following variants.
Hardscape - landscaping the heavily urbanized and suburbanized
Mediascape - how visual media imagery impacts the work
Seascape - depictions of the sea
Softscape - flowers, plants, shrubs and trees
Soundscape - sounds and combinations of sonic immersive environments
Talkscape - socially constructed spaces of human activity
Mindscape – a space for conceptual thinking
Timescape - a space for political and historical discourse
week 47, 16.-21.11.2009 Bergen (lecture Kipphoff on optical devices 18thcentury onwards tp the mass specatcle of the Panorama pf the 19th century, planned fieldtrips include CAVE StatoilHYDRO/Ågotnes supply station, fjordtur, et,al)
week 11, 15.-19.03.2010 Vilnius
week 18, 3.-7.5. 2010 Reykjavik
12.-19.9. 2010 final conference and exhibition in Stockholm